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陳玉潔 Yu-Jie Chen

陳玉潔Yu-Jie Chen

Current Appointment

Assistant Research Professor, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica

Education & Experiences

J.S.D., New York University(2016)
LL.M., New York University(2008)
LL.M., National Chengchi University(2005)
LL.B., National Chengchi University(2000)

Research Fields

International law, human rights, China, Taiwan, cross-strait relations.

Other Information

Date of First Appointment:07/01/2020

Research Description

 Dr. Yu-Jie Chen is an Assistant Research Professor at the Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, and a Non-resident Affiliated Scholar at the U.S.-Asia Law Institute, NYU School of Law. She specializes in international law and human rights, with a particular focus on China, Taiwan, and relations across the Taiwan Strait. Her work spans five interconnected areas: (1) China's authoritarian political and legal system; (2) its influence on the international human rights regime; (3) Hong Kong’s changing rule of law; (4) legal and political controversies in China-Taiwan relations; and (5) Taiwan's interaction with international law. Dr. Chen’s scholarship and commentary have appeared in the United States, Europe, Australia, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, including, recently, the China Quarterly, New York Times, and Australian Foreign Affairs.
 She holds a J.S.D. and LL.M. from NYU School of Law and an LL.M. and LL.B. from National Chengchi University in Taiwan. She was an inaugural Global Academic Fellow at the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law and previously served as a research scholar at NYU’s U.S.-Asia Law Institute. Her professional experience includes advocacy with the NGO Human Rights in China and practice at the Taipei-based international law firm Lee and Li. She was born and raised in Taiwan.

CV: (open in new window)

Journal Articles

  • 陳玉潔,2023,〈中國認知作戰中「輿論戰」與「法律戰」之整合運用:以《港區國安法》「勾結外國或者境外勢力」為例〉(The Interaction of “Public Opinion Warfare” and “Legal Warfare” in Cognitive Warfare: A Case Study of “Colluding with Foreign or Overseas Forces”),《遠景基金會季刊》,24(4), 81-121。(TSSCI) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2022, ““One China” Contention in China-Taiwan Relations: Law, Politics and Identity”, China Quarterly, 252, 1025-1044. (SSCI) (IF: 2.231; SSCI ranking: 13.1%) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2021, ““Authoritarian International Law” in Action? Tribal Politics in the Human Rights Council”, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 54(5), 1203-1255. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2020,〈《港版國安法》:香港法治的破洞、人權的缺口〉(The National Security Law for Hong Kong: Infringements of Hong Kong’s Rule of Law and Human Rights),《台灣人權學刊》,5(4), 131-157。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2020,〈國際人權公約審查2.0——台灣給世界的啟示〉(Human Rights Treaty Monitoring 2.0: A New Model from Taiwan),《台灣人權學刊》,5(3), 43-62。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2019, “China’s Challenge to the International Human Rights Regime”, New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, 51, 1179-1222. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Nien-chung Chang-Liao*, Yu-Jie Chen, 2019, “Transitional Justice in Taiwan: Changes and Challenges”, Washington International Law Journal, 28(3), 619-644. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Han-Wei Liu*, Ching-Fu Lin, Yu-Jie Chen, 2019, “Beyond State v Loomis: Artificial Intelligence, Government Algorithmization and Accountability”, International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 27(2), 122-141. (ESCI) Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen*, Jerome A. Cohen, 2019, “China-Taiwan Relations Re-examined: The ‘1992 Consensus’ and Cross-strait Agreements”, University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review, 14(1), 1-40. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen*, Jerome A. Cohen, 2018, “China-Taiwan Repatriation of Criminal Suspects: Room for Human Rights?”, Hong Kong Law Journal, 48(3), 1029-1066. (SSCI) (IF: 0.242; SSCI ranking: 96.1%) Relevant Links(open new window)
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Book Chapters

  • Yu-Jie Chen*, Jerome A. Cohen, 2023, “Freedom from Arbitrary Detention in Asia: Lessons from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong”, editor(s): David Law, Holning Lau, Alex Schwartz, Oxford Handbook of Constitutional Law in Asia, pp. (online edn), UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Po Jen Yap, Yu-Jie Chen, 2023, “Communist Regimes”, editor(s): Po Jen Yap, Rehan Abeyratne, Routledge Handbook of Asian Parliaments, pp. 15–30, UK: Routledge. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2022, “The United States, China and the European Union at the UN Human Rights Council: Trilateral Dynamics over International Human Rights Norms, Institutions and Politics”, editor(s): Chien-Huei Wu, Frank Gaenssmantel, Francesco Giumelli, Multilateralism in Peril: The Uneasy Triangle of the US, China and the EU, pp. 36–52, UK: Routledge. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2022, “Human Rights Treaty Monitoring 2.0: Taiwan’s Local Innovation and Implications for Global Practice”, editor(s): Mab Huang and Vivianne Yen-ching Weng, Reinvention by Necessity: Implementation of International Human Rights Treaties in Taiwan, pp. 129–152, Taipei, Taiwan: Taiwan Foundation for Democracy. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2021,〈在臺灣研究中國法是否搞錯了什麼〉(Does It Even Make Sense to Study Chinese Law in Taiwan?),李建良編,《研之得法—中央研究院法律學研究所成立十週年文集》,頁703–716,臺灣臺北:中央研究院法律學研究所。
  • 陳玉潔,2021,〈司法人權觀察——政法系統意識形態化,人權侵害常態制度化〉(Human Rights in the Chinese Administration of Justice: Formalizing Ideology in the Political and Legal System and Institutionalizing and Normalizing Human Rights Abuses),財團法人臺灣民主基金會編,《2020中國人權觀察報告》,頁67–96,臺灣臺北:財團法人臺灣民主基金會。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2020,〈司法人權觀察:司法人權侵害制度化,引發國際社會警覺〉(Human Rights in the Chinese Administration of Justice—Institutionalized Human Right Abuses Heighten Global Concerns),財團法人臺灣民主基金會編,《2019中國人權觀察報告》,頁61–85,臺灣臺北:財團法人臺灣民主基金會。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2019, “Isolated but Not Oblivious: Taiwan’s Acceptance of the Two Major Human Rights Covenants”, editor(s): Jerome A. Cohen, William P. Alford, Chang-fa Lo, Taiwan and International Human Rights: A Story of Transformation, pp. 207–225, New York, USA: Springer. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2019,〈司法人權觀察〉(Human Rights in the Chinese Administration of Justice),財團法人臺灣民主基金會編,《2018中國人權觀察報告》,頁65–88,臺灣臺北:財團法人臺灣民主基金會。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2013, “Lawyers’ Activism and the Expansion of the Right to Counsel in Taiwan”, editor(s): Mike McConville, Eva Pils., Comparative Perspectives on Criminal Justice in China, pp. 209–233, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. Relevant Links(open new window)

Conference Papers

  • 陳玉潔,2024,〈從中國代表權到台灣主權:破解聯大第2758號決議迷思〉(From China’s Representation to Taiwan’s Sovereignty: Debunking the Myth of the UN General Assembly Resolution 275),發表於「台灣加入聯合國策略之回顧與展望」研討會,臺灣臺北:台灣國際法學會,2024-09-07。
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2024, “China’s Anti-Secession Law: Legal Warfare and Illegality”, paper presented at Conference on Taiwan’s Security and U.S.-China Great Power Competition, Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of European and American Studies, 2024-09-09 ~ 2024-09-10.
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2024, “China’s Anti-Secession Law: Legal Warfare and Illegality”, paper presented at Conference on PRC’s Anti-Secession Law and Lawfare, Taipei, Taiwan: Center for Strategic and International Studies & Prospect Foundation, 2024-08-06.
  • 陳玉潔,2024,〈中國對台使用武力之違法性:國際法與我國憲法視角〉(The Illegality of China’s Use of Force Against Taiwan: The Perspectives of International Law and Taiwan’s Constitution),發表於憲法解釋之理論與實務研討會:多元文化與民主生活,Taipei, Taiwan:Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica,2024-08-13 ~ 2024-08-14。
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2024, “China’s Anti-Secession Law: Legal Warfare and Illegality”, paper presented at International Symposium on the Threats of China’s Legal Warfare and the Anti-Secession Law to the Indo-Pacific Region, Taipei, Taiwan: Institute for National Defense and Security Research & Hudson Institute, 2024-07-05.
  • Yu-Jie Chen, Katrin Kinzelbach, 2024, “From Republic of China to Taiwan: Pioneering Contributions to Universal Human Rights”, paper presented at Workshop on the “Global South” and Liberal Values in the Historiography of Human Rights, Berlin, Germany: SCRIPTS, Cluster of Excellence, 2024-05-02 ~ 2024-05-03.
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2024, “Taiwan’s Constitutional Court: In the Margins of International Law and International Law in the Margin”, paper presented at Oxford Programme in Asian Laws Workshop, Oxford, UK (Online): University of Oxford Faculty of Law, 2024-03-15.
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2023, “China’s Lawfare Against Taiwan”, paper presented at Northeast Corridor Chinese Law Workshop, Washington DC, USA: George Washington University Law School, 2023-07-22.
  • 陳玉潔,2022,〈中國和台灣關係中「一個中國」之爭議──法律、政治與國家認同〉(“One China” Contention in China-Taiwan Relations: Law, Politics and Identity),發表於陳玉潔助研究員個人學術研討會,臺灣臺北:中央研究院法律學研究所,2022-08-23。
  • 陳玉潔,2022,〈「輿論戰」與「法律戰」之整合:以《港版國安法》「勾結外國或者境外勢力危害國家安全罪」為例〉(The Integration of "Public Opinion Warfare" and "Legal Warfare" in Cognitive Warfare: A Case Study of "The Crime of Colluding with Foreign or Overseas Forces to Endanger National Security" in the Hong Kong National Security Law),發表於「認知領域作戰」學術研討會,臺灣臺北(線上):遠景基金會,2022-06-21。


  • 陳玉潔,2024,〈聯大第2758號決議:國際支持與臺灣立院角色〉,《遠景基金會》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2024, “A Dark Echo of Transnational Repression: Taiwan 40 Years ago”, The China Collection. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2024, ““Taiwan Can Help, and Taiwan Is Helping!”: Innovating Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Beyond the U.N. System”, Taiwan Human Rights Hub. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2024,〈中共近期在國際社會強化「一中原則」與聯大2758號決議聯結觀察〉(Observations on the CCP’s Recent Reinforcement of the “One China Principle” in the International Community and Its Linkage to UNGA Resolution 2758),《大陸與兩岸情勢簡報》。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, accepted, “Human Rights Law in Taiwan”, Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Asian Law. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2023, “Breaking Through the Challenges of Taiwan's International Engagement”, Wilson Center. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2023, “Testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission Hearing on “Rule by Law: China’s Increasingly Global Legal Reach””, U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Vivianne Yen-Ching Weng*, Yu-Jie Chen, 2022, “Liu v. Poland: A Game Changer for the Extradition Agendas of Autocracies (like China)?”, EJIL: Talk!. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2022, “I’m Taiwanese, and I Want to Thank Nancy Pelosi”, The New York Times. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2022, “Freedom Cry: The View from Taiwan”, Australian Foreign Affairs, 14, 66-83. Relevant Links(open new window)


  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2016, “Socialization in Isolation: Taiwan’s Practice of Human Rights Treaties as a Non-UN Member State”, 318 pages.

Book Review

  • Yu-Jie Chen, 2021, “Review of “The Trouble with Taiwan: History, the United States and a Rising China””, The Journal of Asian Studies, 80(1), 172-173. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2019,〈秋菊與雪蓮尋求正義之路〉(The Journey of Justice for Qiu Ju and Xue Lian (Review of ‘The Story of Qiu Ju’ and ‘I am not Madame Bovary’)),《台灣人權學刊》,5(1), 227-234。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 陳玉潔,2019,〈中國刑辯律師——法治與不自由體制之博奕?〉(Criminal Defense Lawyers in China: Struggling for Rule of Law Against an Illiberal Regime? (Review of 'Criminal Defense in China: The Politics of Lawyers at Work')),《臺灣民主季刊》,16(1), 171-178。 Relevant Links(open new window)