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吳全峰 Chuan-Feng Wu

吳全峰Chuan-Feng Wu

Current Appointment

Associate Research Professor, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica
Director, Information Law Center, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica

Education & Experiences

J.S.D., University of California, Berkeley School of Law, CA, U.S.A. (2007)
LL.M., Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A. (2002)
M.S. in Health & Welfare Policy, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan (1999)
LL.B. in Law, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (1996)
B.S. in Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (1996)

Research Fields

Health Care Law, International Human Rights, Public Health Ethics

Other Information

Date of First Appointment:07/01/2008
Research Assistant:Chen Yingying |+886-2-2652-5446 |

Journal Articles

  • 吳全峰,2022,〈簡析憲判字第十三號對資料治理之影響與挑戰──從合法性基礎與去識別化概念談起〉,《當代法律》,11, 21-31。
  • 吳全峰,2022,〈COVID-19疫情下之醫師保密義務初探〉(COVID-19 and the Physician’s Duty of Confidentiality),《月旦醫事法報告》,69, 57-80。
  • Chuan-Feng Wu, 2021, “Challenges to Protecting the Right to Health under the Climate Change Regime”, Health and Human Rights Journal, 23(2), 121-138. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Lin, Ching-Fu, Wu, Chien-Huei, and Wu, Chuan-Feng, 2020, “Reimagining the Administrative State in Times of Global Health Crisis: An Anatomy of Taiwan’s Regulatory Actions in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic”(Reimagining the Administrative State in Times of Global Health Crisis: An Anatomy of Taiwan’s Regulatory Actions in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic), European Journal of Risk Regulation, 11, 256-272. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳全峰,2019,〈健康人權挑戰與展望簡析〉,《月旦醫事法報告》,34, 7-21。
  • 吳全峰、許慧瑩,2018,〈健保資料庫行政訴訟案:個資保護與健保資料之跨機關流動及二次利用〉,《月旦醫事法報告》,第19卷,頁61-87。
  • 吳全峰、董鈺琪,2018,〈民眾對全民健保給付合理論責機制之態度調查〉,《台灣公共衛生雜誌》,第37卷第2期,頁166-181。(TSSCI)
  • 吳全峰,2018,〈醫療法第82條修正對病患權益之影響:從醫療機構責任談起〉,《月旦醫事法報告》,第16卷,頁83-99。
  • 吳全峰、許慧瑩,2018,〈健保資料目的外利用之法律爭議──從去識別化作業工具談起〉,《月旦法學雜誌》,第272卷,頁45-62。
  • 吳全峰、簡昕立,2017,〈食品安全的守門員:從食品安全查核檢驗制度與認驗證制度談起(下)〉,《月旦醫事法報告》,第7卷,頁145-181。
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Books (Monographs or Edited Volumes)

Book Chapters

  • Chuan-Feng Wu, 2024, “Digital Pandemic Measures in the Age of COVID-19: Taiwan's Challenges with Regard to Privacy and Personal Data Protection”, editor(s): Ming-Cheng M. Lo, Yu-Yueh Tsai, Michael Shiyung Liu, Taiwan’s COVID-19 Experience: Governance, Governmentality, and the Global Pandemic, pp. 113-133, London: Routledge.
  • 吳全峰,2023,〈衛生法規基本概念〉,陳為堅、李玉春、陳保中、楊銘欽、高森永編,《衛生法規及倫理》,頁4-72,臺北市:陳拱北預防醫學基金會。
  • 吳全峰,2022,〈人工智慧與醫療侵權責任之初探〉,李建良、林文源編,《人文社會的跨領域AI探索》,頁141-1069,新竹:國立清華大學出版社。
  • 吳全峰,2022,〈COVID-19疫情下之 個人資料保護挑戰:從科技防疫談起〉,社團法人台灣法學會編,《台灣法學新課題(十七)》,頁35,台北市:元照出版公司。
  • 吳全峰,2022,〈人工智慧與醫療侵權責任之初探〉,清大出版社編,《人文社會的跨領域AI探索》,頁145,新竹市:國立清華大學出版社。
  • 吳全峰*、江素慧,2021,〈簡析世界衛生組織與全球健康治理之挑戰-兼論世界衛生組織國際規範與台灣法治之鏈結〉,社團法人台灣法學會編,《台灣法學新課題十六》,頁135-218,台灣:元照出版有限公司。
  • 吳全峰,2021,〈淺談原住民族之健康人權保障〉,李建良編,《研之得法─中央研究院法律學研究所成立十週年文集》,頁549-571,台灣:中央研究院法律學研究所。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Chuan-Feng Wu, accepted, “Implications of the Health Equity Perspective for the Right to Health”, editor(s): Gillian MacNaughton, Diane Frey, Catherine Porter, Human Rights and Economic Inequalities, pp. 337-363, Cambridge University Press. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳全峰,2020,〈初探人工智慧與生命倫理之關係〉,李建良編,《法律思維與制度的智慧轉型》,頁169-226,台北:元照。
  • Chuan-Feng Wu, Chien-Huei Wu,2020,〈International Trade, Public Health, and Human Rights〉,Lawrence O. Gostin, Benjamin Mason Meier編,《Foundations of Global Health & Human Rights》,頁351-372,New York:Oxford University Press。 Relevant Links(open new window)
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Conference Papers

  • Chuan-Feng Wu, 2022, “COVID-19 and Personal Data Protection in Taiwan”, paper presented at Pandemic Response and Human Rights Debate in the Digital Age, 台北: 中央研究院法律學研究所、國家人權委員會、中央研 究院法律學研究所資訊法中心, 2022-11-23.
  • Chuan-Feng Wu,2022,〈Taiwan’s Privacy Challenges During COVID-19: State of Exception or New Normal?〉,發表於COVID-19 全球與台灣治理,台北,台灣:中央研究院社會學研究所,2022-01-26 ~ 2022-01-27。
  • 吳全峰,2021,〈科技防疫與資訊隱私挑戰〉,發表於中央研究院法律學研究所個人學術研討會,台北,台灣:中央研究院法律學研究所,2021-12-21。
  • Chuan-Feng Wu, 2021, “Challenges of the Right to Health under the Climate Change Regime”, paper presented at 2021 Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference: Law and Society Association, 2021-05-26 ~ 2021-05-30.
  • 吳全峰、江素慧,2020,〈世界衛生組織之國際規範與台灣法制〉,發表於2020年度法學會議暨第50屆會員大會 國際規範與台灣法制研討會,臺北市,臺灣:台灣法學會,2020-12-26。
  • Chuan-Feng Wu, 2020, “Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Medical Professionalism”, paper presented at The 8th Academia Sinica Conference on Law, Science and Technology-AI and Professionalism, Taipei, Taiwan: Academia Sinica, 2020-11-18.
  • 吳全峰,2019,〈人工智慧與生命倫理〉,發表於2019年海峽兩岸暨港澳法律發展學術研討會,北京:北京大學法學院,2019-10-25 ~ 2019-10-26。
  • Chuan-Feng Wu,2019,〈Implications of the Health Equality Perspective for the Right to Health〉,發表於Law and Society Association 2019 Annual Meeting,Washington, D.C., USA:Law and Society Association,2019-05-30 ~ 2019-06-02。
  • 吳全峰,2019,〈個資保護的可識別化爭議〉,發表於中央研究院法律學研究所個人年度學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院法律學研究所,2019-05-14。
  • Chuan-Feng Wu, 2018, “Medical Robots: A New Challenge to Bioethics?”, paper presented at The 7th Academia Sinica Conference on Law, Science and Technology Emerging Legal Issues for Artificial Intelligence: Legal Liability, Discrimination, Intellectual Property Rights and Beyond, Taipei, Taiwan: Academia Sinica, 2018-11-26 ~ 2018-11-27.


  • Ching-Fu Lin, Chuan-Feng Wu, 2021, “Towards Member-driven International Pandemic Lawmaking”, Verfassungsblog. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Chuan-Feng Wu, 2021, “COVID-19 and Democratic Governance in Taiwan: Challenges and Opportunities”, USALI Perspectives. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Chuan-Feng Wu, 2021, “Covid-19 and Data Privacy Challenges in Taiwan”, Lex-Atlas: Covid-19. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • Tsung-Ling Lee, Chuan-Feng Wu, 2021, “Submission to the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response”, The Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response. Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳全峰,2020,〈【座談會】疫病、科學與民主與談逐字稿〉,《政治與社會哲學評論》,72, 351-436。 Relevant Links(open new window)
  • 吳全峰,2020,〈T-Road 之管制困境〉,《數位時代下的國民身分證與身分識別政策建議書》。 Relevant Links(open new window)


  • Chuan-Feng Wu, 2007, “The Right to Health Care and Health Care Distributive Justice”, 320 pages, School of Law, unpublished J.S.D. dissertation,University of California Berkeley.
  • Chuan-Feng Wu, 2002, “The Analysis of the Right to Health Care and Health Care Distributive Justice ”, 102 pages, unpublished LL.M. paper, Harvard Law School, Harvard University.
  • 吳全峰,1999,〈全民健康保險與醫療人權相關之分析〉,共289頁,衛生福利研究所碩士論文,國立陽明大學。

Edited Books

  • 吳全峰, 2012, 2011科技發展與法律規範雙年刊, 250 pages, 台灣: 新學林.

Research Project Report

  • 李素華、吳全峰、謝季峰, 2016, 藥品專利及生體相等性試驗相關資料庫建置計畫期末執行暨績效報告, 344 pages, commissioned by 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署..
  • 李素華、吳全峰、謝季峰、陳瑩穎、蔡昀庭、黃曉葳,2015,《自由化法規鬆綁落實藥品智慧財產保護之法規修訂-計畫成果報告》,衛生福利部食品藥物管理署委託。
  • 吳全峰, 2014, 我國與國外給付範圍、其改變機制與運作成效之探討與建議, 562 pages, commissioned by 衛生福利部中央健康保險署..
  • 吳全峰,2013,《我國與國外給付範圍、其改變機制與運作成效之探討與建議》,衛生福利部中央健康保險署委託。
  • 吳全峰、吳建昌、李素華、翁裕峰、林欣柔、邱文聰、黃丞儀,2012,《生命科技、健康不平等與分配正義》,中央研究院法律學研究所委託。
  • 吳全峰,2011,《接軌國際,深化民主:論我國批准聯合國兩權利公約可能的意義與影響》,臺灣民主基金會自辦委託。
  • 吳全峰,2011,《健康人權與健康照護分配正義》,行政院國家科學委員會委託。
  • 羅昌發、黃銘傑、林彩瑜、彭心儀、楊培侃、李素華、吳全峰、吳建輝,2011,《2011年國際經貿與公共衛生法律諮詢及事務支援》,行政院衛生署委託。
  • 邱文聰、吳全峰、劉靜怡、翁裕峰,2011,《科學商業化與私有化的利益衝突規範》,中央研究院法律學研究所委託。
  • 吳全峰、李素華、林昀嫺、楊培侃、戴瑀如、邱文聰、黃丞儀,2011,《生命科技與人權保障:理論與實務之困境》,中央研究院法律學研究所委託。
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